Showing 25–36 of 47 results

Iceland Pony Mare Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Iceland Pony Mare Hailing from the land of fire and ice, the Icelandic Pony Mare has a shiny, white coat

Iceland Pony Stallion Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Iceland Pony Stallion Heralded in the stories of ancient Vikings, the Icelandic Horse Stallion rides again in the schleich® HORSE

Knabstrupper mare Hot on Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Knabstrupper mare Knabstrupper are from Denmark and are great therapy horses. Even anxious people quickly come to trust them. Is

Knapstrupper Foal Hot on Sale

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Knapstrupper Foal Knapstrupper foals are born already with their characteristic black spots. But not all Knapstruppers look the same. Although

Knapstrupper stallion Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Knapstrupper stallion Knapstrupper and Appaloosa stallions look very similar, as they both have spotted coats. However, the two breeds developed

Mangalarga Marchador Stallion Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Mangalarga Marchador Stallion The compactly built Mangalarga Marchador Stallion looks strikingly handsome with his brown and white mottled coat. His

Oldenburger Mare Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Oldenburger Mare Nothing compares to the bond between a rider and her horse. You’ll fall in love with this detailed

Oldenburger Stallion Sale

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Oldenburger Stallion The Oldenburg Stallion from schleich® HORSE CLUB is a talented dressage and jumping horse. He’s comfortable at the

Paint horse foal Supply

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Paint horse foal Paint horse foals have the breed’s beautiful characteristic patches right from birth. They are actually just dappled

Paint horse gelding Online now

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Paint horse gelding Paint horse geldings are especially popular with cowboys because they are more even-tempered than stallions. They also

Paint horse mare Fashion

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $4.00.
Paint horse mare How can you tell apart a Paint horse mare and a pinto mare? It’s easy to mix

Paso Peruano Foal Fashion

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
Paso Peruano Foal You can see how temperamental the little foal is right away: trotting across the meadow on its